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The strategic finance platform for scaling brands

Technology and expertise that delivers the value of an internal strategic finance team at ⅙ the cost.

Trusted by leading omnichannel brands

Make finance a competitive advantage

Forecast without friction
Build better forecasts for revenue, expenses, inventory, and cash. Connect all your data to speed up forecasting, reduce cash surprises, and avoid stockouts.
Forecast without friction
Build better forecasts for revenue, expenses, inventory, and cash. Connect all your data to speed up forecasting, reduce cash surprises, and avoid stockouts.
Decide faster, decide smarter
Don’t wait until after the monthly close to find out what happened. Get real-time updates on your key numbers on-demand, and automated via Slack and email.
Let data drive your story
Walk into every conversation with your board, investors, or potential acquirers with the confidence that your numbers are solid and your path forward is clear.
our soluTION

World-class strategic finance for consumer brands

Demand Planning
Cohort & LTV Modelling
Financial Modelling
Forecasting & Budgeting
Forecasting & Budgeting
Investor & Brand Reporting
Plan vs Actual Scorecards
Scenario Planning
LTV & CAC Analysis
Subscription Optimization
Predictive Retention Modeling
Demand Planning
Cohort & LTV Modeling
Subscription Optimization
SKU-level Inventory Forecasting
Predictive Retention Modeling
Predictive Retention Modeling
Demand Planning
Cohort & LTV Modeling
Subscription Optimization
SKU-level Inventory Forecasting
Predictive Retention Modeling
Plan vs. Actual Scorecards
LTV & CAC Analysis
Investor & Board Reporting
Wholesale Forecasting
Plan vs. Actual Scorecards
Investor & Board Reporting
Plan vs. Actual Scorecards
LTV & CAC Analysis
Investor & Board Reporting
Wholesale Forecasting
Plan vs. Actual Scorecards
Investor & Brand Reporting

A right hand to founders and finance teams


Plug and play with your existing stack

Drivepoint works with the tools you use every day for eCommerce, accounting, marketing, and more.



Who is Drivepoint designed for?

We are 100% focused on scaling omnichannel brands. That means you’re likely doing more than a few million of top line revenue, but haven’t yet built out a complete finance team. Our customers often got their start in DTC, but are often selling across multiple channels including DTC, Amazon, and wholesale.

How long does it take to get started?

You can get started right now by connecting your Shopify and QuickBooks accounts so we can ingest your data and provide a live data demo. From there, it’s about a day to stand up your model and about a week until you have a plan you’d feel comfortable sending to a potential investor.

How much of an investment is Drivepoint?

Drivepoint plans include a software component and can also include professional services component. The software component is tiered according to your revenue, since it costs us more to process larger volumes of order data. The professional services component can be scaled to meet your needs. To learn more about pricing, let's talk.

Do you provide professional services?

Yes. Drivepoint is a software company, but we recognize that expert advisory and hands-on-keyboard support are critical to solving the whole problem. That’s why every Drivepoint plan includes a software component and professional services component. This ensures you’ll never sit in a support queue or have an endless revolving door of account managers.

Can Drivepoint do the job of a fractional CFO?

Many fractional CFOs are glorified accountants who have limited experience with strategic finance. And their business model relies on charging you inflated hourly rates for manual data work. We automate these manual processes with software and pass the savings on to you.

Can you help manage my accounting?

We don’t provide accounting services directly. But if you’re looking for a new provider, we have a number of preferred partners and can work with you to create a total package plan that addresses the entire finance function.


Insights and intel for growing brands

Dig into up-to-date benchmark data on DTC and omnichannel brands, or read up on expert analysis from the Drivepoint team.

Ready to see what you can do with Drivepoint?

Sync your data in 5 minutes and be up and running with a full strategic finance solution in no time.